Prehistoric finds in South Africa

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If I had known more about Prehistoric Africa, I would have passed the history course.
Now I know South Africa contains some of the oldest archaelogical and human fossil sites in the world, ant extensive fossil remains have been recovered from a series of caves in Gauteng Province. The sites include Sterkfontein, which is one of the richest hominin fossil sites in the world. Other sites include Swartkrans, Gondolin Cave Kromdraai, Coopers Cave and Malapa. The first hominin fossil discovered in Africa, the Taung Child was found near Taung in 1924. Further hominid remains have been recovered from the sites of Makapansgat in Limpopo, Cornelia and Florisbad in the Free State, Border Cave in KwaZulu-Natal, Klasies River Mouth in Eastern Cape and Pinnacle Point.
South Africa. Retrieved July, 2017 from